Our most expensive and inexpensive Collection items acquired over the years....
Most expensive poster prices paid:
Der ewige Jude (A1, Mjölnir) €7100 = AUD$11,642.40
Der ewige Jude (A1, Davidstern) US$7635 + GST import duty = AUD$11,667.70
DIII 88 (German, A0, Stukas motif ) €3500-
DIII 88 (German, A0, Pewas, Hermann Braun motif ) €2000
DIII 88 (German, A0, Fallschirmjäger motif) €2000
Feldzug in Polen (A0) US$2000
Feuertaufe (A0) US$1800
Feuertaufe (A0, Pewas) AUD$3875-
Hans Westmar (A0) €2600
Jud Süß (Belgian, A2) US$2500
Le Juif Suss (French, Tobis, Al, 1940, H.George montage) €2289-
Der Marsch zum Führer (Westmark, A0) €2400 with auction fees: A$3090.48.
Münchhausen (German AO) €5,000
Olympia (A0, red design, Czech) €2054
Olympia (A0, blue design, Czech) €2500
Olympia (Belgium, 120 x 180 cm on linen) €2500
S A Mann Brand (A0, Muster B) €6302,92 in cash & trade
Titanic (Tobis A0, red sinking letters motif) €2000
Das unsterbliche Herz (German A0, Pewas) €2000.-
Most expensive major non–poster items over €1000:
Jud Süß Terra Filmkunst film script - from the Werner Krauß estate - €6435,-
Least expensive posters prices paid in our Collection:
Das Ring um Verdun (A0) €241
Der Kaiser von Kalifornien, (A0, Muster B) €300
Der Majoratsherr (A0) €66
Die drei Codonas (A0) €300
Ein Zug fahrt ab (A0) €69
Geheimzeichen LB17 (A0, Birgel motif) €77
II Grandison le felon (Der Fuchs von Glenarvon, French, A0 size) €150
Kadetten (A0) €332,61
Le Juif Suss (French, Tobis, A1, 1940, Januskopf motif) €370
Le president Kruger (A2, French) €158
Morgenrot (Japanese, 1934, 37 cm x 51 cm) US$250
Münchhausen (German A3 Fensterplakat) €10,-
Ostland Film GmbH posters (2) €58,50-
Rembrandt (A0, Ufa) US$300
Rivalen der Luft (Ufa, A0) AUD$210.80
Robert Koch (Muster B, German, A0) €300-
S A Mann Brand (A0,Muster A) €754 + AUD$160 import duty
Sommernächte (A0) €54
Stadt Anatol (Ufa, A0) AUD$239.36
Suis-je un Assassin? (Ich Klage an, French, on linen 240 x 160cm) €380
Über alles in der Welt (Bulgarian) £260
Unsere Siegreiche Armee in Polen (Gaufilmstelle der NSDAP, A2) €237
Unternehmen Michael (Japanese, 10 x 15 inches) US$81-
Verräter (Bulgarien, Pewas Design) €265-
Via Mala (German, 1944,A0) €200
Vision am See (Hungarian, 1942) €38,71-
Wien 1910 (H.George motif, A2) €300
Wien 1910 (R.Forster motif, A2) €200
Wir Machen Musik (A0, piano motif) €225
Wir Machen Musik (A0, top hat motif) €180
Least expensive major non–poster item prices paid in our Collection:
Ufa film studio's 8-page Opfergeist newspaper for the Hitler Youth to promote the new film Hitlerjunge Quex, US$1.00 in 1977
Veit Harlan original signed 21 pp. manuscript dated Mai 1945: Wie ich zum Nationalosizialisms Stand £100-
Olympia (Riefenstahl) –50 original Tobis/Olympia Film lobby cards for €1,502.38
Über alles in der Welt original Uƒa film script €35,50-
Karl Ritter's personal album for his film Capriccio US$100-
"Der Deutsche Film" magazines (1936-1943) - 64 different issues - US$750.
Hitlerjunge Quex Werberatschlag €77,50-
Der Hitlerjunge Quex novel --1st edition with damaged dust jacket €38.
Hitlerjunge Quex Uƒa "Opfergeist" 8 pp. newspaper US$1.00 (in 1976)
Hitlerjunge Quex -Ufa 4-pg. cinema handbill €25,99-
Ohm Krüger – 21 private snapshots of Transvaal scenes filmed in East Prussia
Besatzung Dora Werberatschlag €10-
Blutendes Deutschland three-fold brochure (1933) €26,50.
Legion Condor - Karl Ritter 1939 Ufa film script, €350-
Der Sieg des Glaubens "Das Programm von Heute" and card – €80,-
Rarest film photograph in our Collection?
We have, as you can guess, many very rare original film stills from the pre–1945 German film era. How scarce, after all, are stills from Jud Süß, Der ewige Jude, Hitlerjunge Quex, SA Mann Brand, Blutendes Deutschland, Ewige Wald, Triumph des Willens, Olympia ? Or of the hard–core military propaganda films such as DIII88, Stukas, Kampfgeschwader Lützow ? Or an original French still from Le jeune Hitlérien, or those from the Italian version of Hans Westmar ? Or how about lobby cards from the banned Besatzung Dora, Der verzauberte Tag or Titanic ?
Actually, the rarest card may be this little autograph card of the Sudanese soldier Mahjub bin Adam Mohamed, called Mohamed Husen, who served
German colonial troops as an Askari soldier in WWI Africa, migrated to Germany in 1929, married a white German woman three days before Hitler became Reich Chancellor (!); and worked as a waiter on a German shipping line, as a translator, a language instructor, and took small roles in at least 23 German films between 1934 and 1941. He appeared in films such as Die Reiter von Deutsch - Ostafrika, Zarah Leander's star vehicle Zu Neuen Ufern, La Jana's star vehicle Stern von Rio, Harlan's Pedro soll hängen, and his last film, Selpin's Carl Peters. Because he had an affair reputedly with a BDM girl during the production of Carl Peters, he was denounced and arrested and sent to Sachsenhausen concentration camp in September 1941, and died there on 24 November 1944.