logos.jpg“History is not about the facts. It is about the context and who is telling the story.” —Prof. Milton Fine. 

"Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past."   –– George Orwell in his novel "1984." 

"Whoever doubts the exclusive guilt of Germany for the Second World War destroys the foundation of post–war politics." ––  Prof. Theodor Eschenberg, Rector, the University of Tübingen.

"If we have our own why in life, we shall get along with almost any how."         –  Friedrich Nietzsche



over 500 German film

original posters betweenpngtree-15-years-anniversary-logo-with-ribbon-png-image_5280377-1812814530.jpg

1927–1954  from

Germany and from

many Axis and Neutral countries

across Europe!  


Note!  Posters in the Poster Gallery are PERMANENT

acquisitions which are NOT FOR SALE!!   ONLY the

posters listed in our POSTER STORE are for sale. 

(They have a price and order button to use.)


What was new to our Collection in the year 2014?


2014 was a banner year!  The following original posters have been added to the Collection and can now be found in the Poster Gallery:


Achtung! Feind hört mit!

Anschlag auf Baku


Deutsches Land in Afrika (DFG)

Die Tochter des Samuurai

DIII88 (Belgium)

Drei Unteroffiziere

Ein Mann will nach Deutschland (Josef Fenneker)

Ein Robinson

Fahrt ins Leben


Feinde (A3)

Geheimakte W.B.1

Geheimnis Tibet (A3)

Henker, Frauen und Soldaten

In Namen des Volkes

Mit versiegelter Order (Muster A)

Mit versiegelter Order (Muster B)

Reise in der Vergangenehit (Muster B)

Schwarzerjäger Johanna

Urlaub auf Ehrenwort (Böhmen u. Mähren / Czech)

Volldampf Voraus (Josef Fenneker)

Wunschkonzert (Belgium)


Additionally, the following film items have been added to the Collection:

Hitlerjunge Quex Werberatschlag/cinema owners promotional guide.

Leni Riefenstahl's Olympia – 10 further original lobby cards and 2 original colour film lightbox A4 sheets

Behind-the-scenes private photos of Karl Ritter's Besatzung Dora film-shoot in the Soviet Union (October 1942!)

Behind-the-scenes private photos of Arthur Rabenalt's Fronttheater in Occupied Athens.

Die Tobis Produktion 1941/42  32 pp. annual preview booklet.

 In der roten Hölle (DIFU) Werberatschlag.

Fifteen original stills  (lobby cards) from Carl Oertel's Michelangelo film.





"Ufa Kulturfilm–Informationen" – 31 cultural film newsletters from 1938–1942. (Very rare!  The Bundesarchiv only has six issues in their federal archive library.)








Weihnacht in Frankreich 1942, Luftwaffe Staffel 123, Zum Geleit von Hauptmann und Staffelkapitan Armin Goebel, 88 S. (The extremely rare privately–printed book for members of the 123 squadron only; which contains the 20 June 1942 entry on the visit and subsequent filming of Karl Ritter's Besatzung Dora scenes at the Staffel's Buc airfield near Versailles.) This book was discovered and purchased on 25 December 2014, on line, so it was also Weihnacht in Sydney!